Harry Potter Stuff

Hiya everybody ! I'm sorry I couldn't write for so long because I was sick and had lots of tests and homework and vacation. How are you ? Today I will be writing about a few of my favourite Harry Potter stuff.

1. Character🙋- Hermione Granger : I feel like this is kind of the obvious answer but it's so true ! She is so intelligent and brave, Harry would have died so many times if Hermione wasn't around. I feel like she shouldn't have ended up with Ron Weasley because he could be rude sometimes but that's just me... 

*Too many runner-ups🤣

2. House💛- Hufflepuff : Just to be clear, I love people from all the houses but I think generally, I really love Hufflepuff. I relate to it's values and I think it is so underrated. I love Nymphadora Tonks and Newt Scamander so much (You can tell by my name 😂) and I think not enough people appreciate this house as much as they should.

Runner-up: Gryffindor

3. Book🕮- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix : Is it just me or does everyone seem to think Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is superior ? I don't know, but this book definitely has the most happening in it. The battle, Occlumency lessons, Umbridge (😒), Dumbledore's Army and Harry almost getting expelled ! I read this book when I was on a trip to my grandparents place in another city and I was soooo bored. This was the only thing to keep me entertained the whole trip and it worked very well !

Runner-up: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

4. Film📽- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban : I honestly think this is the best written film in the series because it was the only one that didn't leave out some major details like in The Order of The Phoenix, Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows. Although some details are left out like how it is not said that James Potter's Patronus is a stag and then we don't know why Harry thought he saw his dad casting the Patronus. We can also really see that Harry, Ron and Hermione are becoming teenagers.

Runner-up: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

5. Death eater💀- Bellatrix Lestrange : I love Bellatrix Lestrange, honestly. She is a total maniac and tortured Neville's parents, but if I had to choose a villain, it's her. I feel terrible that she tortured Hermione because that was one of my saddest scenes but still. She's insane: So am I, so it kind of makes sense. But, I do love the scene where Molly Weasley says to her, "Not my daughter you b**ch" and proceeds to make her poof into ashes.

Runner-up: Severus Snape

6. Teacher📚- Remus Lupin : I don't think much needs to be said, Remus Lupin was the best DADA teacher Hogwarts ever had without doubt. It's really sad he was considered an outcast and was fired just because he was a werewolf. He was a great teacher to Harry and even taught him how to perform a corporeal Patronus charm. One thing I didn't like, was that he tried to abandon Tonks and baby Teddy.

Runner-up: Minerva McGonagall

7. Couple💗- Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein : So, I love this couple for several obvious reasons such as how their personalities are so different but still compliment each other perfectly. However, I don’t know if this couple really counts because, firstly, it was in Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them instead of the original films, and secondly, they never actually got together officially. I do think they have excellent chemistry and NEED to see them together if there are any other films.


Runner-up : Fleur Delacour & Bill Weasley

Thanks so much for reading ! XO



  1. Since when is your fav Death Eater Bellatrix ?! I thought you were whorshiping Snape ! 😂
    Anyways, great article !

  2. Guilty as charged 😂 I think Snape is better in general but Bellatrix did her job as a death eater. Also, I'm crazy like her 😂😂

  3. hi ! i just discovered your blog. I'm french so sorry if my english isn't very good but i enjoy reading your posts because it makes me read english haha ! great article ;)
    miss ravenclaw (a huge fan of harry potter too !)

  4. C'est pas grave ! Thanks so much, you're so sweet 💜

  5. I was looking at your blog, it's really great, too


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