
Showing posts from May, 2024

A few good men (1992)

  Hi guys !  How are you? I'm fine, seeing as it's the end of year, we have more tests than ever. It is what it is. This weekend was pretty boring, we had Chinese food, did homework and read (Anne Frank's diary; it's pretty good). My mum and I really love watching films, we seriously think there should be a Holy Shrine of Movies. Anyways, I love Tom Cruise (amongst MANY others), he's great. So  we're trying to watch as many Tom Cruise films as possible, and I'm going to write about some. We watched a 1992 film called A few good men and I'm gonna write about it today. Let's go! Summary: A young lawyer for the US navy, Daniel Kaffee has been hired to handle a case about an unfortunate murder case in the US navy base in Cuba. Two young soldiers (Dawson and Downey) were accused to have murdered them. Along with his supervisor JoAnne Galloway and collleague Sam Weinberg, they are meant to defend these two boys in court. While further investigating the sit

Maze Runner

 Hello everyone !  How are you? I'm good. I had my 13th birthday party on Saturday the 20th, and I invited 5 of my friends. My birthday was on the 19th of March, but due to some complications, I couldn't have it then. Anyways, I had it on the 20th of April. It was great! I had some friends over, we did Karaoke, we swam, ate Pizza and watched Maze Runner. And that's what I'm talking about today! So, without further ado, LET'S GOOOO! The Plot: So, there's this boy called Thomas, who finds himself in a mysterious town with a bunch of teenage boys. He's confused because he doesn't remember a thing. None of the other boys do either. They don't know anything about their previous lives, other than their names. They all appeared one at a time, each month for the past 3 years. They were inside a huge maze, and they lived in a village inside it. People had tried millions of ways to get out, they went into the maze, climbed walls, etc. All they had was a packa